Reminding myself of what’s possible in the midst of turmoil

I take myself to a place where everything I remember is enfolded in soft cloth and petals of fondness, a place where no harshness of word or deed has scratched at the bone of me, nor demanded of me something I need not give. I dwell in a place where even pain has a place within the fold. There is no other way but to flow with the river of all sorrow and all joy, letting even hard memories soften themselves in the cotton embrace of compassion and humility. (read more)


Thoughts on Staying Home

STAYING POWER: Practice gratitude, the full-body kind. Find beauty. Settle into the self-love you have within you, and then enjoy being there, moment to moment. Complete your work and offer what you can, but never leave yourself out of the gift. Honor the cycle of slowing and retreating, one of nature’s prime wisdoms for a balanced life. Relearn the meaning of home. Let something be born in the interim, that place where creativity takes root. Staying can be an opportunity for whatever might have been missing in the day to day. I am lighting a candle for all of us and sending a prayer for peace, health and Love.